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Complaints Procedure.

If your complaint is about the way a policy was sold to you

If at any time you have any query or complaint regarding the way the policy was sold, you should refer to the insurance intermediary that sold the policy to you.

If your complaint is about the administration of the policy

We hope that you will be pleased with the service we provide. In the unlikely event of a complaint, you should contact the Administrator by any of the following methods:

GardX Group Head Office
2nd Floor
Lake House
2 Port Way
Port Solent
Telephone: 0203 771 9722
Email: [email protected]
We follow a strict complaints process, to ensure that any complaint is dealt with in the correct manner. If after making a complaint, you are unhappy with the final response and you are an eligible complainant, you may wish to contact the Financial Services Ombudsman. You have six months from the date of the final response letter to contact them.
Their contact details are:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Lo Call: 0300 123 9123
Telephone: 0800 023 4567
Email: [email protected]